fredag 20 februari 2009

Etnakonst hell yeah!

Wargh! gjorde den här själv själv >.< wahahahaha from scratch muauahahaha

söndag 15 februari 2009

Den blomstertid nu kommer

Den baddräktstid nu kommer,
när magen är för stor.
Då valkar bara sväller,
och celluliter gror.
Generande behåring,
lyfts fram i solens ljus.
Nej stranden verkar boring,
vi stannar inomhus.

De krav som sommarn ställer,
förstör vår ledighet.
Vi sitter där och gnäller,
fy fan vad jag e fet.
Fast vem vill motionera,
när man kan sitta still.
Nej låt oss revoltera,
vi tar en kaka till!!

Don't click here!

Den äldste-Eragon kapitel 2-3


Gjorde lite bilder till Warpfire, ett webbläsar spel.

lördag 7 februari 2009

Kärlek från en observatörs syn

Här kommer min dikt om kärlek. Ett hårt, ledsamt och konstigt sätt om kärlek. Den är på engelska från början, så jag behåller den så. Så man inte missar nåt....

I think Love is something existing. But it does not exist for me personally.

I am more like observer. I watch other people. I like to sit for myself. And just observe. Just see all their feelings and troubles.

Then, now, back to love.

Love is a warmth that you feel in your heart. Not literally in your heart, but in your mental heart.

Love can be happy and sad, great or just really horrible.

You can feel it in many ways. And there are many ways to love. Love is something different for all people.

And you feel different for other humans. Like friendship love, lover love, family love and all the other kinds of love.

When you are really depressed of a love that have left you. You normally think “Oh, I will never feel this way again. He/she was the one for me.”

This is the truth. YES. You will never ever feel that again. YES. he/she was the one for you.

Because! All love is different (now you are maybe thinking that I'm talking about friendship love or something again.. no I'm not). The feeling is always a new feeling. You can't feel exactly the same feeling for another person. That's what makes all people special, they all give you a special feeling.

And the one you love and meet. Is always “the one”. But it doesn't mean that you only have one “the one” in your life. “The one” just means that, that person is the one that you love now.

But really... What do I know about love. I'm just a observer after all.

Abstrakt konst

Försökte mig på lite abstrakt konst... lyckades inte direkt -.-